Adding withIds() to the Large Manager Heirarchy Template for AdWords Scripts

Limit global MCC changes with Google Ads Scripts using a withIds() condition that targets certain account IDs.

What is the Large Manager Hierarchy Template?

You may want to make bulk changes across a large number of accounts within your MCC using AdWords Scripts. However, there a limitations on the run time of a AdWords script which means it will time out if you try and use it across too many accounts. Google have fortunately released a solution to this which allows the script to save its progress and restart to avoid issues with timing out. This is called the Large Manager Hierarchy Template. All you really need to worry about is the processAccount( ) function.

 function processAccount() {
  // e.g. var whatever = AdWordsApp.something().... etc.

This will determine the changes you make to your AdWords account. For example, you could change all the campaigns within each account to have an optimised ad rotation.

 function processAccount() {
    var campaignSelector = AdWordsApp.campaigns();
    var campaignIterator = campaignSelector.get();
    while (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
        var campaign =;

What changes did you make to it?

I modified it so you can add an array of AdWords client IDs in the TEMPLATE_CONFIG at the start of the script, to limit the script to run only on those particular AdWords client IDs. For example:

 // A list of AdWords IDs conditions to restrict the population of child accounts.
  // Leave blank or comment out to include all child accounts.	
  CUSTOMER_IDS: [1087448830, 1100036613, 1114403699] 

How do I use it?

To implement the script, go to your MCC and navigate to Bulk Operations > Scripts > and add a new script using the +Script button. Copy and paste the below script with your required changes and schedule it to run every half an hour until it has successfully worked through all accounts. It processes 50 at a time, so if you have 2000 accounts, it will be done in 20 hours. Once this is done, remove the schedule from the script (although it does not matter if you just leave it running).

The modified template

Please note: I do not own this or accept any responsibility for it – use at your own peril! Don’t get overwhelmed by it – the main thing you need to worry about is processAccount( ).

// Copyright 2016, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @name Large Manager Hierarchy Template
 * @overview The Large Manager Hierarchy Template script provides a general way
 *     to run script logic on all client accounts within a manager account
 *     hierarchy, splitting the work across multiple executions if necessary.
 *     Each execution of the script processes a subset of the hierarchy's client
 *     accounts that it hadn't previously processed, saving the results to a
 *     temporary file on Drive. Once the script processes the final subset of
 *     accounts, the consolidated results can be output and the cycle can begin
 *     again.
 *     See
 *     for more details.
 * @author AdWords Scripts Team []
 * @version 1.0
 * @changelog
 * - version 1.0
 *   - Released initial version.
 * This has been modified by

/*************** START OF YOUR IMPLEMENTATION ***************/
  // The name of the file that will be created on Drive to store data
  // between executions of the script. You must use a different
  // filename for each each script running in the account, or data
  // from different scripts may overwrite one another.

  // The minimum number of days between the start of each cycle.

  // Controls whether child accounts will be processed in parallel (true)
  // or sequentially (false).

  // Controls the maximum number of accounts that will be processed in a
  // single script execution.

  // A list of ManagedAccountSelector conditions to restrict the population
  // of child accounts that will be processed. Leave blank or comment out
  // to include all child accounts.
  // A list of AdWords IDs conditions to restrict the population of child accounts.
  // Leave blank or comment out to include all child accounts.	

// The possible statuses for the script as a whole or an individual account.
var Statuses = {
  NOT_STARTED: 'Not Started',
  STARTED: 'Started',
  FAILED: 'Failed',
  COMPLETE: 'Complete'

 * Your main logic for initializing a cycle for your script.
 * @param {Array.} customerIds The customerIds that this cycle
 *     will process.
function initializeCycle(customerIds) {

  // This example simply prints the accounts that will be process in
  // this cycle.
  Logger.log('Accounts to be processed this cycle:');
  for (var i = 0; i < customerIds.length; i++) {

 * Your main logic for initializing a single execution of the script.
 * @param {Array.} customerIds The customerIds that this
 *     execution will process.
function initializeExecution(customerIds) {

  // This example simply prints the accounts that will be process in
  // this execution.
  Logger.log('Accounts to be processed this execution:');
  for (var i = 0; i < customerIds.length; i++) {

 * Your main logic for processing a single AdWords account. This function
 * can perform any sort of processing on the account, followed by
 * outputting results immediately (e.g., sending an email, saving to a
 * spreadsheet, etc.) and/or returning results to be output later, e.g.,
 * to be combined with the output from other accounts.
 * @return {Object} An object containing any results of your processing
 *    that you want to output later.
function processAccount() {
  // e.g. var whatever = AdWordsApp.something().... etc.

 * Your main logic for consolidating or outputting results after
 * a single execution of the script. These single execution results may
 * reflect the processing on only a subset of your accounts.
 * @param {Object.} results The results for the accounts processed in this
 *    execution of the script, keyed by customerId. The status will be
 *    Statuses.COMPLETE if the account was processed successfully,
 *    Statuses.FAILED if there was an error, and Statuses.STARTED if it
 *    timed out. The returnValue field is present when the status is
 *    Statuses.COMPLETE and corresponds to the object you returned in
 *    processAccount(). The error field is present when the status is
 *    Statuses.FAILED.
function processIntermediateResults(results) {

 * Your main logic for consolidating or outputting results after
 * the script has executed a complete cycle across all of your accounts.
 * This function will only be called once per complete cycle.
 * @param {Object.} results The results for the accounts processed in this
 *    execution of the script, keyed by customerId. The status will be
 *    Statuses.COMPLETE if the account was processed successfully,
 *    Statuses.FAILED if there was an error, and Statuses.STARTED if it
 *    timed out. The returnValue field is present when the status is
 *    Statuses.COMPLETE and corresponds to the object you returned in
 *    processAccount(). The error field is present when the status is
 *    Statuses.FAILED.

function processFinalResults(results) {

/**************** END OF YOUR IMPLEMENTATION ****************/

/**************** START OF STANDARD TEMPLATE ****************/

// Whether or not the script is running in a manager account.
var IS_MANAGER = typeof MccApp !== 'undefined';

// The maximum number of accounts that can be processed when using
// executeInParallel().
var MAX_PARALLEL = 50;

// The possible modes in which the script can execute.
var Modes = {
  SINGLE: 'Single',
  MANAGER_SEQUENTIAL: 'Manager Sequential',
  MANAGER_PARALLEL: 'Manager Parallel'

function main() {
  var mode = getMode();

  // The last execution may have attempted the final set of accounts but
  // failed to actually complete the cycle because of a timeout in
  // processIntermediateResults(). In that case, complete the cycle now.
  if (stateManager.getAccountsWithStatus().length > 0) {

  // If the cycle is complete and enough time has passed since the start of
  // the last cycle, reset it to begin a new cycle.
  if (stateManager.getStatus() == Statuses.COMPLETE) {
    if (dayDifference(stateManager.getLastStartTime(), new Date()) >
    } else {
      Logger.log('Waiting until ' + TEMPLATE_CONFIG.MIN_FREQUENCY +
                 ' days have elapsed since the start of the last cycle.');

  // Find accounts that have not yet been processed. If this is the
  // beginning of a new cycle, this will be all accounts.
  var customerIds =

  // The status will be Statuses.NOT_STARTED if this is the very first
  // execution or if the cycle was just reset. In either case, it is the
  // beginning of a new cycle.
  if (stateManager.getStatus() == Statuses.NOT_STARTED) {


  // Don't attempt to process more accounts than specified, and
  // enforce the limit on parallel execution if necessary.

  if (mode == Modes.MANAGER_PARALLEL) {
    accountLimit = Math.min(MAX_PARALLEL, accountLimit);

  var customerIdsToProcess = customerIds.slice(0, accountLimit);

  // Save state so that we can detect when an account timed out by it still
  // being in the STARTED state.
  stateManager.setAccountsWithStatus(customerIdsToProcess, Statuses.STARTED);

  executeByMode(mode, customerIdsToProcess);

 * Runs the script on a list of accounts in a given mode.
 * @param {string} mode The mode the script should run in.
 * @param {Array.} customerIds The customerIds that this execution
 *     should process. If mode is Modes.SINGLE, customerIds must contain
 *     a single element which is the customerId of the AdWords account.
function executeByMode(mode, customerIds) {
  switch (mode) {
    case Modes.SINGLE:
      var results = {};
      results[customerIds[0]] = tryProcessAccount();

      var accounts = MccApp.accounts().withIds(customerIds).get();
      var results = {};

      var managerAccount = AdWordsApp.currentAccount();
      while (accounts.hasNext()) {
        var account =;;
        results[account.getCustomerId()] = tryProcessAccount();


    case Modes.MANAGER_PARALLEL:
      if (customerIds.length == 0) {
      } else {
        var accountSelector = MccApp.accounts().withIds(customerIds);

 * Attempts to process the current AdWords account.
 * @return {Object} The result of the processing if successful, or
 *     an object with status Statuses.FAILED and the error message
 *     if unsuccessful.
function tryProcessAccount() {
  try {
    return {
      status: Statuses.COMPLETE,
      returnValue: processAccount()
  } catch (e) {
    return {
      status: Statuses.FAILED,
      error: e.message

 * The function given to executeInParallel() when running in parallel mode.
 * This helper function is necessary so that the return value of
 * processAccount() is transformed into a string as required by
 * executeInParallel().
 * @return {string} JSON string representing the return value of
 *     processAccount().
function parallelFunction() {
  var returnValue = processAccount();
  return JSON.stringify(returnValue);

 * The callback given to executeInParallel() when running in parallel mode.
 * Processes the execution results into the format used by all execution
 * modes.
 * @param {Array.} executionResults An array of execution results
 *     from a parallel execution.
function parallelCallback(executionResults) {
  var results = {};

  for (var i = 0; i < executionResults.length; i++) {
    var executionResult = executionResults;
    var status;

    if (executionResult.getStatus() == 'OK') {
      status = Statuses.COMPLETE;
    } else if (executionResult.getStatus() == 'TIMEOUT') {
      status = Statuses.STARTED;
    } else {
      status = Statuses.FAILED;

    results[executionResult.getCustomerId()] = {
      status: status,
      returnValue: JSON.parse(executionResult.getReturnValue()),
      error: executionResult.getError()

  // After executeInParallel(), variables in global scope are reevaluated,
  // so reload the state.


 * Completes a single execution of the script by saving the results and
 * calling the intermediate and final result handlers as necessary.
 * @param {Object.} results The results of the current execution of the script.
function completeExecution(results) {
  for (var customerId in results) {
    var result = results[customerId];
    stateManager.setAccountWithResult(customerId, result);


 * Completes a full cycle of the script if all accounts have been attempted
 * but the cycle has not been marked as complete yet.
function completeCycleIfNecessary() {
  if (stateManager.getAccountsWithStatus(Statuses.NOT_STARTED).length == 0 &&
      stateManager.getStatus() != Statuses.COMPLETE) {

 * Determines what mode the script should run in.
 * @return {string} The mode to run in.
function getMode() {
  if (IS_MANAGER) {
      return Modes.MANAGER_PARALLEL;
    } else {
      return Modes.MANAGER_SEQUENTIAL;
  } else {
    return Modes.SINGLE;

 * Finds all customer IDs that the script could process. For a single account,
 * this is simply the account itself.
 * @return {Array.} A list of customer IDs.
function getCustomerIdsPopulation() {
  if (IS_MANAGER) {
    var customerIds = [];

    var selector = MccApp.accounts();
    var conditions = TEMPLATE_CONFIG.ACCOUNT_CONDITIONS || [];
    var customerIds = TEMPLATE_CONFIG.CUSTOMER_IDS || [];
    for(i=0; i);

    if(customerIds.length > 0){

    selector = selector.withIds(customerIds);

    var accounts = selector.get();
    while (accounts.hasNext()) {

    return customerIds;
  } else {
    return [AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId()];

 * Returns the number of days between two dates.
 * @param {Object} from The older Date object.
 * @param {Object} to The newer (more recent) Date object.
 * @return {number} The number of days between the given dates (possibly
 *     fractional).
function dayDifference(from, to) {
  return (to.getTime() - from.getTime()) / (24 * 3600 * 1000);

 * Loads a JavaScript object previously saved as JSON to a file on Drive.
 * @param {string} filename The name of the file in the account's root Drive
 *     folder where the object was previously saved.
 * @return {Object} The JavaScript object, or null if the file was not found.
function loadObject(filename) {
  var files = DriveApp.getRootFolder().getFilesByName(filename);

  if (!files.hasNext()) {
    return null;
  } else {
    var file =;

    if (files.hasNext()) {

    return JSON.parse(file.getBlob().getDataAsString());

 * Saves a JavaScript object as JSON to a file on Drive. An existing file with
 * the same name is overwritten.
 * @param {string} filename The name of the file in the account's root Drive
 *     folder where the object should be saved.
 * @param {obj} obj The object to save.
function saveObject(filename, obj) {
  var files = DriveApp.getRootFolder().getFilesByName(filename);

  if (!files.hasNext()) {
    DriveApp.createFile(filename, JSON.stringify(obj));
  } else {
    var file =;

    if (files.hasNext()) {


 * Throws an exception if there are multiple files with the same name.
 * @param {string} filename The filename that caused the error.
function throwDuplicateFileException(filename) {
  throw 'Multiple files named ' + filename + ' detected. Please ensure ' +
      'there is only one file named ' + filename + ' and try again.';

var stateManager = (function() {
   * @type {{
   *   cycle: {
   *     status: string,
   *     lastUpdate: string,
   *     startTime: string
   *   },
   *   accounts: Object.
   * }}
  var state;

   * Loads the saved state of the script. If there is no previously
   * saved state, sets the state to an initial default.
  var loadState = function() {
    state = loadObject(TEMPLATE_CONFIG.FILENAME);
    if (!state) {

   * Saves the state of the script to Drive.
  var saveState = function() {
    saveObject(TEMPLATE_CONFIG.FILENAME, state);

   * Resets the state to an initial default.
  var resetState = function() {
    state = {};
    var date = Date();

    state.cycle = {
      status: Statuses.NOT_STARTED,
      lastUpdate: date,
      startTime: date

    state.accounts = {};
    var customerIds = getCustomerIdsPopulation();

    for (var i = 0; i < customerIds.length; i++) {
      state.accounts[customerIds] = {
        status: Statuses.NOT_STARTED,
        lastUpdate: date

   * Gets the status of the current cycle.
   * @return {string} The status of the current cycle.
  var getStatus = function() {
    return state.cycle.status;

   * Sets the status of the current cycle.
   * @param {string} status The status of the current cycle.
  var setStatus = function(status) {
    var date = Date();

    if (status == Statuses.IN_PROGRESS &&
        state.cycle.status == Statuses.NOT_STARTED) {
      state.cycle.startTime = date;

    state.cycle.status = status;
    state.cycle.lastUpdate = date;

   * Gets the start time of the current cycle.
   * @return {Object} Date object for the start of the last cycle.
  var getLastStartTime = function() {
    return new Date(state.cycle.startTime);

   * Gets accounts in the current cycle with a particular status.
   * @param {string} status The status of the accounts to get.
   *     If null, all accounts are retrieved.
   * @return {Array.} A list of matching customerIds.
  var getAccountsWithStatus = function(status) {
    var customerIds = [];

    for (var customerId in state.accounts) {
      if (!status || state.accounts[customerId].status == status) {

    return customerIds;

   * Sets accounts in the current cycle with a particular status.
   * @param {Array.} customerIds A list of customerIds.
   * @param {string} status A status to apply to those customerIds.
  var setAccountsWithStatus = function(customerIds, status) {
    var date = Date();

    for (var i = 0; i < customerIds.length; i++) {
      var customerId = customerIds;

      if (state.accounts[customerId]) {
        state.accounts[customerId].status = status;
        state.accounts[customerId].lastUpdate = date;

   * Registers the processing of a particular account with a result.
   * @param {string} customerId The account that was processed.
   * @param {{
   *       status: string,
   *       returnValue: Object
   *       error: string
   *     }} result The object to save for that account.
  var setAccountWithResult = function(customerId, result) {
    if (state.accounts[customerId]) {
      state.accounts[customerId].status = result.status;
      state.accounts[customerId].returnValue = result.returnValue;
      state.accounts[customerId].error = result.error;
      state.accounts[customerId].lastUpdate = Date();

   * Gets the current results of the cycle for all accounts.
   * @return {Object.} The results processed by the script during the cycle,
   *    keyed by account.
  var getResults = function() {
    return state.accounts;

  return {
    loadState: loadState,
    saveState: saveState,
    resetState: resetState,
    getStatus: getStatus,
    setStatus: setStatus,
    getLastStartTime: getLastStartTime,
    getAccountsWithStatus: getAccountsWithStatus,
    setAccountsWithStatus: setAccountsWithStatus,
    setAccountWithResult: setAccountWithResult,
    getResults: getResults

/***************** END OF STANDARD TEMPLATE *****************/



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