User management

Find out how you can add more users and what permission levels we offer.

Viewing users within a business

To view the users currently added to a business, and their roles, use the drop down menu in the top right of the screen. Select business. This will navigate to the current business, depending on what container you have selected.

Inviting users to a business

You can invite new users to your business, using the ‘INVITE USER’ button. Note: users require a Google account to accept an invite to the platform.

Here, you will be prompted to enter an email, and a role level. Roles are covered further down in this article.

Once you’ve entered an email address and selected a role, select invite. This invite will be sent to their email address, and will expire in 7 days. This invite can also be cancelled manually, in the “VIEW INVITES” section.

The invite email will look like this. If you can’t find it, check your spam folder.

When the link is followed, they will be presented with this screen.

Users will then be required to sign into their Google account to accept the invite.

Once done, users will be able to log in to Leadtosale using their Google account, and access the platform.

View and cancel pending invites

Invites automatically expire after 7 days. However, you can manually trigger this expiration in the “VIEW INVITES” section.

You can see who has been invited, when they invite will expire, and select the trash can icon to cancel an invite.

User roles

Leadtosale offer 3 different roles: owner, admin, and read.


Owners can do everything in Leadtosale, including purchasing phone numbers, promoting users to owners and removing other owners.


Admins can:

  1. Invite users up to the admin level.
  2. Promote users up to the admin level.
  3. Remove users who are read only level.
  4. Configure containers, trackers and leads.

Admins can’t:

  1. Purchase phone numbers
  2. Remove or demote other admins or owners.

View only users

Viewers can:

  1. Make notes in leads and process leads
  2. Invite other view only users
  3. Change containers they’re viewing

Viewers can’t:

  1. Remove other view only users
  2. View or edit trackers
  3. Change container or business settings

Updating user roles

You can update user roles using the pencil icon.

Use the save icon to save your selection. Note: you cannot change your own role.